Predicting Consumer Behaviour

Will customers purchase

my product in the future?

Measure consumer confidence, behaviour and socio-economics using social analytics. Obtain more actionable insights through our proven scientific-backed approach.

The more a consumer feels confident about the economy, the more he or she intends to make purchases.

Generally higher consumer confidence indicates economic growth reflecting higher consumption while lower consumer confidence indicates slowing economic growth in which consumers spending likely to be decreased.

Measure Consumer Confidence

Our extraordinary insights on socio economic behavior from social data brings better insights to your future strategies. Large organizations like the World Bank have embarked on social data to predict economic growth. Unlock the power of consumer confidence in your existing marketing strategies.

What is CCI?

Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is a universally accepted indicator used by economists, institutions and independent bodies to measure the state of consumer confidence towards the economy. CCI is published every quarter based on a limited sample size of 2,000 data sets through random surveys.

What is CSI?

Consumer Sentiment Index (CSI) is an alternative economic indicator developed by Berkshire Media based on an amalgamation of sentiment analysis from various socio-economic topics (eg: Employment, Personal Finance, Consumer Purchasing, Price of Control Goods, etc). We use large-sample sized data to develop CSI.

4 Categories of CSI

The CSI is based on CCI’s assessment of four categories.

Purchasing Behaviour

  • Things people will buy – Any posts related to what people plan to purchase (eg: going for movies / dinner / entertainment, buying groceries, planning a holiday trip, upgrading vehicles, new house application) and any form of expenses
  • Things people have bought – Any posts related to the past; i.e items which they have bought recently;
  • Things people will not buy – Any posts that exhibit any form of comments related to expensive items, pricing, (which includes complaints)

Jobs & Employment

  • EmploymentPosts related to new jobs offers, job offers received, salary revision, bonus, increment, new positions, career advancement
  • UnemploymentPosts related to unemployment, difficulty in finding jobs, fresh graduates complaints on getting their first job, mutual separation and retrenchment, complaints on low wages, foreign labour, expatriates, etc

Consumer Price

  • Consumer pricesPosts related to consumer prices based on basic (essential) goods, non-essential products, price complaints, price increase, discounts or promotions.

Personal Finance

  • Savings Capacityposts on the financial situation, current debt position, current and future savings, loans, payment defaults, hire-purchase, dividends or returns from financial institutions or investments.
  • Savings Intentionposts related to saving intentions in any form of investments or financial instruments; i.e current or saving accounts, equities, bonds, mutual funds, etc.

Breakthrough Innovation Through Collaboration

We collaborate with universities and research centres to deliver the best in science and innovation. Our work in predicting consumer confidence is peer-reviewed and published in journals to validate our findings in the area of socio-economics. Understand consumer behaviour and trends from millions of social data 


Social Data





Advancing knowledge through science

Access our peer-reviewed research papers on consumer sentiment using social media data.

Social Media Sentiment Analysis of Consumer Purchasing Behaviour vs. Consumer Confidence Index


A Study on Correlations between Consumer Sentiments towards Consumer Price, Employment, Personal Finance and Purchasing Behaviour


Linking Consumer Confidence Index and Social Media Sentiment Analysis


Large organizations are using social data to improve macroeconomics forecast. Here is what we know.

Find out the latest trends from the World Bank and European Central Bank .

Use Social Data to Predict Purchasing Behaviour

One of the four CSI categories is Purchasing Behaviour. Below is a sample of extracted data from various social media platforms. For more insights and research papers, kindly reach out to us.


Social Data


unique users



Monitor consumer behaviour and spending appetite.
This case study was performed in a Southeast Asian country with a large set of sample size. Social analytics showed the stronger intention to purchase (or spend) compared to the weak trend of those who will not purchase due to various reasons (e.g.: escalating cost of living, etc.).
The approach.
The consumer behaviour insights using social data allow companies to plan and deploy timely campaigns or product launches. This results in significant savings and resource optimisation. Intelligence gathering using social data is accessible to many high performing companies and organisations.

Need better insights?

As communications in the digital world are getting more complex with millions of conversation in social platforms,  there are values to be unlocked when you begin with the right steps. We uncover more insights than your conventional tools or existing processes.

Drop us a note and we are more than happy to assist.